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Emprunt de microformes – Clientèle anglophone

To whom it may concern, hi there I was wondering if you can help me with an essay I will be writing. I am looking for any information you may have for me on the British influence in Quebec City. The information can be about the Citadel, the fortifications, or other built forms and architecture & design in Quebec City. If you can provide me with any information that would be wonderful & I would really appreciate that. I am in Ontario so any information which you can either any authors names, book titles, or even if you can email me or provide me with any websites that would be great. Thanking you in advance for your reply,

Ps: I am located in the Province of Ontario, so any information you can provide me with would be great! I was wondering if by any chance I can access these sources:

Plan of Citadel, Quebec [document cartographique] / Gauvreau, L. P.
and the La Citadelle [microforme].

You can access this documentation but you must to pass by the Interlibrary Loan Service in the Institutions like University or High school or Government Libraries or Public Libraries. This service communicates with our Interlibrary loans: 656-2131, poste 8980 (
656-2131, poste 6343 (

You must to give this information:

Notice 1
Titre : Quebec Citadel, well no 11 [document cartographique] / L.P. Gauvreau.
Auteur(s) : Gauvreau, L. P.
Éditeur : [Québec (Province) : s.n.], [1890?].
Collection : (Cartomatique Histoire ; 262)
No de notice : 01-1701433
Bibl. des sc. humaines et sociales Microfilm- Salle Argus, G 3201 S5 C328a 262, 1, Consultation sur place

Notice 2
Titre : Plan of Citadel, Québec [document cartographique] / L.P. Gauvreau.
Auteur(s) : Gauvreau, L. P.
Éditeur : [Québec (Province) : s.n.], [1890?].
Collection : (Cartomatique Histoire ; 263)
No de notice : 01-1701434
Bibl. des sc. humaines et sociales Microfilm- Salle Argus, G 3201 S5 C328a 263, 1, Consultation sur place

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